Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Baking Pans

Once a week I try to make my husband a dessert to last him through the week.  This week I made the 4-layered Dessert.  I have to say that this is a process to make.  I got this recipe out of my Naomi Judd recipe book.  It gives you a warning:  and of course I thought how can this be that bad.  The warning says it is a gridle buster!  So as I started with the first layer which was not bad at all but by the time I got to the third layer I was believing the warning.  But as I continued on, the first layer needed to go into the oven and it says to line the pan with foil and I thought to myself that I did not really need to because my pans are good and easy to get food out.  Well, I have found a pan that has seen its days!  I can not believe that I let my pans get this bad.  Well good thing that Christmas is coming up.  I went to www.bakerhobby.com and found a cook price for baking pans and they even have lids on them and I emailed my husband on exactly what I needed and how much it was.  I think that is a great hint and he should not miss it up.  What do you think?