Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Baking Pans

Once a week I try to make my husband a dessert to last him through the week.  This week I made the 4-layered Dessert.  I have to say that this is a process to make.  I got this recipe out of my Naomi Judd recipe book.  It gives you a warning:  and of course I thought how can this be that bad.  The warning says it is a gridle buster!  So as I started with the first layer which was not bad at all but by the time I got to the third layer I was believing the warning.  But as I continued on, the first layer needed to go into the oven and it says to line the pan with foil and I thought to myself that I did not really need to because my pans are good and easy to get food out.  Well, I have found a pan that has seen its days!  I can not believe that I let my pans get this bad.  Well good thing that Christmas is coming up.  I went to www.bakerhobby.com and found a cook price for baking pans and they even have lids on them and I emailed my husband on exactly what I needed and how much it was.  I think that is a great hint and he should not miss it up.  What do you think?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I love Cooking and baking for my family.  I am not a professional at it but I learn as I go and my husband has to agree that I have come along way since the first year of our marriage.  I have learned that when you are in the kitchen there are many things you need to remember is to have all the ingredients, have all the kitchen supplies, and safety.  After fixing lunch for my daughter and cleaning up the kitchen, I start to wonder what I am going to prepare for dinner.  I look at my calendar which I have arranged a list of recipes for the month.  I found a recipe that I felt would be quick tonigh since I would be going to the gym.  As I prepare, Golden Mushroom Pork and Apples in the slow cooker, I make sure I have all the ingredients and have all the supplies I need.  As I grab my spatula out, I noticed that it was time to retire.  I have had them for many years and it is best to have your kitchen supplies somewhat good to because I know that I do not want to be eating on parts of my spatula as I enjoy dinner with my family.  So I went ahead and finshed getting everything in the slow cooker, and I was finshed I got online which is sometimes just easier to buy online because going to the store in this heat.  Plus I never come out with what I went in there for.  I shop as bakerhobby for my kitchen supplies.They have great prices and different options.  You really should check it out.  
This is what my dinner will look like after it comes out of the slow cooker.  It is a campbell's soup recipe that I love and so does my family. 
51205This is my new spoonula that I have purchased.  You should check it out, they have it in different colors to spice up your kitchen.